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GL Veneer



An amazing species, Hard Maple is considered by many to be the king of the Acer genus, as its wood is stronger, stiffer, harder, and denser than all other species of commercially available Maple.

Also known as “Sugar Maple,” the Hard Maple variety is the one most often tapped for Maple syrup and sugar, both of which were used as trade items by Native American peoples.

Hard Maple grows prolifically throughout Eastern and Midwestern North America, flourishing from Novia Scotia to Georgia, as far west as Manitoba, and south to northern Texas. Everywhere the species flourishes, so does wildlife. Many white-tail deer, snowshoe hare, squirrels, and porcupines rely on it as a food source. And numerous songbird species nest in Hard Maple trees. The species also has potential for rehabilitating disturbed ecological sites. 

Considered by many to be the chameleon of wood veneer, Hard Maple is typically a bright, creamy white color, which allows it to be dyed or stained to achieve any desired look. While it can be wavy, Hard Maple’s subtle, elegant grain is generally straight, allowing it blend into almost any environment, naturally and seamlessly. 

Popular for wood veneer and architectural plywood, you’ll also find Hard Maple underfoot — it’s often the flooring material for basketball courts and dance floors, bowling alleys and residential homes. Other applications include musical instruments, baseball bats, cutting boards, butcher blocks, tool handles, gunstocks, and specialty wood items. 

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